Monday, June 16, 2014

Domestic Helper

To Join As Member

1. One Time Registration Fee and entitle for one DXN Starter Kit with one simple condition : only a minimum of one PERSONAL purchase of DXN product(s) per year.

2. 18 years or older with a Sponsor (Sponsor Code: 064734921)

Membership Registration

According to DXN Rules and Regulations , the applicant for DXN membership must be at least 18 years old. Application of the Membership can be done by submitting a completed Membership Application Form and at the same time it is needed to agree to the terms and conditions which are part of the Membership Application with applicant’s signature. Each applicant must have his sponsor.

You can register:
- Online through DXN Network System ; or
- Directly in the branch office or DXN Service Center near you.

Registration fee is € 19.20 with a complimentary Starter Kit booklet. Membership is not required to be renewed annually provided that the distributor (member) made at least one (1) personal purchase with a point value (PV) in every calendar year.

Special offer for new comer. You can purchase during membership registration any product/s or advantageous packages from our offer here.

DXN EuropeJoin here now!

DXN PhilippinesJoin here now!

DXN USAJoin here now!

Other Countries,Join here now!

Friday, June 13, 2014

II. European Leadership Camp of DXN - Riu Pravets Bulgaria

Dear members,
here it comes! We have brand new teaser for you about
II. European Leadership Camp - Riu Pravets Bulgary
(25.-27. of July 2014).

II. European Leadership Camp of DXN - Riu Pravets Bulgaria

Dear members,
here it comes! We have brand new teaser for you about
II. European Leadership Camp - Riu Pravets Bulgary
(25.-27. of July 2014).

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Dr Lim Siow Jin (Why I should JOIN...) part 2


DXN CEO Dr. Lim Siow Jin, talk about Health, Ganotherapy, and General Nutrition... 
(how red mushroom help cure genetic health problem).

Dr Lim Siow Jin (Why I should JOIN...) part 2

DXN CEO Dr. Lim Siow Jin, talk about Health, Ganotherapy, and General Nutrition... 
(how red mushroom help cure genetic health problem).

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

How To Build Network Marketing Leaders (Vol. 2)

Volume Two! Great plan on building a leader a month, step-by-step activities to create leaders, and more. FREE download from Saturday and Sunday! Enjoy.

May 17 & 18, 2014.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Most People Fail In MLM or Network Marketing!

Whether you’re just starting out in MLM or a network marketing ‘veteran,’ I am
sure you have been rejected, and one of the most common objections we
hear from prospects is this:

“My friend (or family member) failed in the networking or MLM business… why should I bother joining you?”

you hear this most of the time from a prospect who was sooo excited to
join just the other day but changed his mind over night after talking to
someone close to him – even though you already warned him not to
discuss or mention ‘network marketing’ yet to anyone!

Anyway, the best answer I found to this common objection is:
 “People don’t fail at things. They quit before they’ve learned the necessary skills to do them…”

This is the BEST explanation I’ve heard on why people “FAIL” in the MLM business.  Get the full answer in this video:

Note:  Tim Sales is a retired MLM millionaire.  He served in the military with an elite team known as EOD (Explosive Ordnance Disposal), the U.S. Navy’s underwater bomb squad.

Now, go and share this with your team! Happy networking! :)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Marketing Tip Video 1/6 (featuring CA Mr. Lee Gee Kow)

This video contains my explanation 

on the DXN Marketing Plan 

with translation in Nepalese 

by Mr. Pukar Chhantyal.

Sunday, April 27, 2014


1. Medications: Long-term use of high doses of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) -prescription painkillers, that contain ibuprofen (Advil®, Motrin®), naproxen (Aleve®), or acetaminophen (Tylenol®), has a harmful effect on kidney tissue and structures, causing shrinkage of blood vessels in the kidneys. Diuretics (urine enhancers) medications may also cause excessive water loss, straining the kidneys.

2. Cigarette Smoking: Smoking has a direct relation to increased protein detected in the urine, affecting kidneys adversely. Diabetes and high blood pressure, diseases having an aggravating impact on kidney damage, are also exacerbated by smoking. 

3. Sugars: Sugar laden food does not impact kidneys directly but triggers and worsens other health problems like diabetes. Diabetes and obesity are two of the most common causes of kidney damage. 

4. Contrast Dyes: Dyes used in diagnostic radiology procedures like CT scans, X-rays and angiograms, have serious implications on the kidney, including Acute Kidney Injury (AKI), an abrupt decrease in kidney function. Insist on less toxic or diluted dyes, fluids to flush out toxins, or drugs to help protect the kidneys from the dye.

5. High-Sodium foods: Very little Sodium is required to maintain proper fluid balance in our body. Excessive salt intake triggers an avalanche in the body, increasing blood pressure, damaging the kidney’s filters- nephrons, accelerating kidney failure. Kidneys tend to retain water, needed for proper heart function, in order to dilute this excess electrolyte in the bloodstream. 

6. High Blood Pressure: Weight control, exercise, and proper diet can control blood pressure—which puts lot of stress on your kidneys and causes loss of protein. So treating your blood pressure will help protect your kidneys.

7. Meat: Animal protein metabolism’s acidic residue triggers our body to pull calcium and other mineral salts from the bones, in order to return you to the preferred alkaline state, overstraining kidney functions. Uric acid –a byproduct of high purine foods such as meat, seafood and fish; causes kidney stones and calcium oxalate stones, due to increase in the amount of calcium excreted in urine. 

8. Drug allergies: Allergic reactions put unprecedented load on the kidneys. Avoid medicines that you are allergic to, and ask about a drug’s effects on the kidneys, any time you take a new medication, to avoid kidney damage.

9. Genetically Modified (GM) foods: Processed foods contain genetically modified ingredients to increase plant’s pest resistance, immunity to herbicides, or improve crop yields. Studies have shown that these foods create a state of hepatorenal (liver and kidney) toxicity. Opt for organically grown produce and avoid common sources of GM ingredients such as processed and prepackaged foods.

10. Artificial Sweeteners: Though these sweeteners assert that they are non-caloric, studies have shown a decline in kidney function with an intake of just two diet sodas per day. 

11. Carbonated Beverages: Foods, like carbonated beverages (with or without artificial sweetener) and energy drinks, that are high in phosphates, are known to have a damaging effect on blood vessels in the kidneys, and increase the chances of kidney stone formation. 

12. Dairy Products: Over consumption of dairy products (contain animal proteins), increases the discharge of calcium in the urine, which has been associated with a higher risk of developing kidney stones. 

13. Caffeine: Caffeine in coffee, tea, soda, and foods, can stimulate blood flow, increasing blood pressure and stress on the kidneys. It substantially raises the kidney failure prospects in obese and diabetic consumers. Caffeine consumption has also been linked to kidney stone formation by increasing calcium excretion in urine.

14. High-oxalate Foods: Oxalates, which form oxalate stones, obstruct the flow of urine and damage kidneys. If you are prone to oxalate stones, stay away or moderate foods like nuts, chocolates and spinach. 

15. Gluten induced: Gluten intolerant people have shown a higher tendency of gluten-induced kidney damage. So do check your levels regularly.

16. Vitamin D deficiency: Vitamin D is not just a vitamin but a steroid hormone that is critical to the health of kidneys and the body in general. So get out and get a piece of the sun.

17. Pre-Renal Causes: Lead to decrease in blood supply to the kidney through: (1) hypovolemia- low blood volume due to blood loss; (2) dehydration- through vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, fever; (3) poor intake of fluids; (4) abnormal blood flow-due to obstruction of the renal artery or vein.

18. Sepsis: Any bout of infection sends the body's immune system for a toss. The overwhelming effect causes inflammation, damage and fatal shutdown of the kidneys. So do not ignore common ailment symptoms and get the right treatment early.

19. Rhabdomyolysis: Muscle fibers, resulting from significant muscle damage due to trauma, crush injuries, and burns, clog the filtering system of the kidneys. Some medications used to treat high cholesterol can also cause rhabdomyolysis.

20. Multiple Myeloma: Multiple myeloma, a type of bone marrow cancer arising from plasma cells, which are normally found in the bone marrow, puts immense strain on the kidney’s filtration and waste disposal functions.

21. Diseases: Diseases like systemic lupus erythematosus, Wegener's granulomatosis, and Goodpasture syndrome, lead to inflammation of glomeruli, the filtering system of the kidneys, severely impacting its efficiency.

22. Post-Renal Causes: Affect outflow of the urine through: (1) Obstruction of the bladder or the ureters – creates back pressure on the kidneys leading to damage and eventual shut down; (2) Prostatic hypertrophy or prostate cancer- blocks the urethra and prevents the bladder from emptying; (3) Tumors in the abdomen- surround and obstruct the ureters; (4) Kidney stones-For patients with only one kidney present, a sizeable kidney stone may cause the lone kidney to fail.

Suggested Intake of:

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Herba Malaysia - Spirulina DXN

What is Spirulina? 

Spirulina is a blue-green algae, which gets its name from its spiral shape. It contains the most remarkable concentration of nutrients known in any food, plant, grain or herb.

What does Spirulina contain? 
It is the highest protein containing food over 60% all digestible vegetable protein. Spirulina is located with unique phytonutrients like phycocynanin, polysaccharides and sulfolipids, that enhance the immune system, reducing with good chance risks of infections, cancer and auto immune diseases. Rich in natural carotenoids, antioxidants, that promote cellular health and may reduce the risk of cancer. It contains chlorophyll, with helps in detoxifying continuously present polluting agents. It also contains iron, trace minerals and the rare essential fatty acid.
Spirulina - The "Superfood"

Read more information, click here



I Have Got Good News!

>> Play Here Now!

What is Spirulina and Why is it a Top Superfood?

Friday, April 18, 2014

DXN Icing On the Cake (IOC)

  • Would you like to earn ADDITIONAL Exponential Income $$$?
  • ENHANCE Your Recruitment Rate?
  • PROMOTE Yourself Faster Under the Compensation Plan?
JOIN Icing On the Cake!

For more information, please download the Remuneration Plan, click HERE TO DOWNLOAD NOW or  contact our DXN Branch

Contact Form by vCita

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Hard Work Is Bad For Your Health.

A Big Reason Why Distributors Fail?

If you were a farmer and planted $500 or $1,000 worth of seeds, would you at least stay around until harvest time? Of course. 

Yet many distributors quit after just one or two months because they haven't earned a bonus check yet. Quitting almost guarantees failure.  

So why do distributors quit so quickly? Because they look at network marketing like a job. In a job, if you don't receive your paycheck for your efforts after one or two months, of course you would quit. 

But starting your own business is different. There is a lot of effort and learning in the early days before the payoff begins. If Donald Trump wanted to build a casino, he certainly wouldn't quit the project after only two months because it wasn't producing any revenue. 

Businesses take time. Businesses take investment. A little education for our new distributors will help them realize the difference between a job and a business. 


It is not the quantity of information, but the quality of information that counts. 


So Where Do I Find Candidates For Leadership? 

Potential leaders don't come in just one size. And most times, they don't even look like a leader when they are sponsored. 

If you only sponsor one distributor, that is a pretty small pool of candidates to choose from. That is why consistent sponsoring is important. You have more possible candidates. 

If you wanted to get married and you were looking for a potential spouse, would you want to limit your pool of candidates to only one person? Of course not. You would want as many candidates as possible. 

Watch FREE VIDEO How To Sponsor More Downlines to fill your sponsoring funnel quickly.

P.S. - 
Please Type Your Comments below.

P.P.S. - Want to learn How to Magnetically Attract Lots of Positive Ready To Join Prospects for Your Network Marketing, MLM, or Home Based Business? CLICK HERE NOW!!!  

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

What is Good Health?

Most people regard good health as merely being, “Absent from disease or illness”. Most people are content to just get out of bed in the morning and know that they are alive. For most to be healthy simply means “Not to be Sick”

The true definition of good health is much broader than that. Good health means being able to live life to the fullest. It means waking up in the morning in a clear, happy state of mind, with copious amounts of energy and a spring in your step that lasts the whole day. This is living at ones peak!

“Good Health is a state of OPTIMAL physical, emotional, mental and spiritual well-being”

Many people wonder how their immune system is performing. Is it functioning well, or are there areas that need improvement? 

How you answer the following questions may determine if you might be suffering from immune dysfunction.
  • Do you have recurrent viral infections?
  • Do you experience reduced stamina and resistance when under stress?
  • Are you feeling tired & exhausted by mid afternoon?
  • Are your energy levels constantly below normal?
  • Do you have herpes (Genital and or cold sores)?
  • Do you suffer from frequent colds or flu?
  • Do you suffer from inflammation and or infections in the upper respiratory track e.g. sinus, ear infection, sore throats, or swollen cervical gland on a fairly regular basis?
  • Do you suffer from recurrent bronchitis?
  • Do you have recurrent cystitis?
  • Do you suffer from recurrent skin infections?
  • Have you been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome?
  • Do you suffer with Rheumatoid Arthritis?
  • Do you have high blood pressure?
  • Do you have high cholesterol?
  • Have you suffered from recurrent infections of Candida or other yeast problems?
  • Have you been diagnosed with Epstein Barr?
  • Do you suffer from Gout?
  • Are you having  sleepless nights?
  • Do you suffer from heartburn and Acid Reflux?
  • Do you have bleeding gums?
  • Do you have skin problems such as Eczema?
  • Do you have Diabetes?
Checking your symptoms is the first step to discovering the state of your health. It can be alarming when you actually see in black and white just how many symptoms you are experiencing.

Each and every day our body’s are being continually bombarded with poisonous toxins; through the food we eat, the water we drink and the air we breathe.
Fortunately, our body’s have an innate ability to self-heal and doctor itself. However due to the vast quantities of toxins in our food, water and the air we breathe our body’s simply cannot keep up, putting stress on our vital organs such as our kidneys and liver which can lead to disease. 

We are the carer of our own body’s. This being the case we must take responsibility for the daily decisions that we make about our health and the food we eat, which will determine how long or short our lives might be. “We were created to live LONG and HEALTHY lives” but this is often determined by how we live our lives from day to day. There are no short cuts or quick and easy routes to being healthy. It requires you to set health goals, have determination and most importantly make a commitment to change and maintain a healthy lifestyle!
It is no secret that the general public is constantly searching for ways to improve their health and ultimately the quality of their lives. More and more we are being bombarded with information (some accurate and some not) concerning weight loss, avoiding baldness, enhancing energy, reversing cancer and diabetes, relieving arthritis, eliminating migraines, and a myriad of other health issues. All this often leads to “Information Overload” which can make things confusing and often leads to people doing nothing or giving up on their health because they have no idea what will or what won’t work.

Heart disease and cancer are the 2 top killers in the US.
In the US each year 39,000 people die due to unnecessary surgery and other errors in hospitals. 80,000 people die due to other infections in hospitals and a staggering 106,000 people die due to adverse drug reactions.
  • Heart Disease           = 652,486 deaths
  • Cancer                     = 553,888 deaths
  • Modern Medicine    = 225,000 deaths
In today’s world we are lead to believe that that there is a “Pill for Every Ill”.

“Good health makes a lot of sense but it does not make a lot of dollars”.

Herein lies the problem; “We Are What You Eat”

How old is your food? In the US food travels between 1500 and 2000 miles  before you get it and it could be at a week old and this is probably no different in Australia. This brings us to the next question. How much nutritional value is left in the food by the time you eat it? If you are lucky you might be getting 40%  of its nutrients and this is before it has been cooked”

Nearly all food that you purchase in and around a big city has been processed and one of the major problems according to Charlotte Gerson (founder of the Gerson institute) is the soil that our food is grown in, and what we do to the soil, air and water. Our soils are used over and over again, making it nutrient deficient, causing the soils to become like deserts. The so called fertilizer that agriculture uses to assist crops to grow these days, is mainly made up of only 3 minerals; Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium. This is fine and good according to Charlotte, however the problem is that our soil requires approximately 52 different minerals. This being the case, where is the Calcium, Manganese, Zinc and the Iron? to name a few she asks? 

“They’re Missing!” Consequently if the soil is deficient so are the plants deficient and weakened and lose their defenses and the bugs and disease comes and attacks them. She says “This is where the chemical companies step in by providing chemicals, growth stimulants and pesticides”. This of course makes the chemical companies happy because this allows them to sell millions and millions of dollars worth of chemicals as a temporary fix, she says.
If we eat commercial food, we are eating, deficient, toxic food! Consequently our body’s cannot help but be deficient and toxic unless we choose to do something about it!

What is Ganoderma?

Did you know that Ganoderma might be a natural way to help with depression?

It's true! Ganoderma might be a safe, natural alternative to harsh---often toxic---prescriptions drugs that come with a list of scary side effects as long as your arm.

What is Ganoderma?
Ganoderma is an herb that has been in use for more than 2,000 years to alleviate a great number of health complaints and to promote overall well being. This powerful “super herb” is actually a species of red mushroom called Reishi in Japan and Ling Zhi in China. Once found growing only in the wild, Ganoderma is now often cultivated in special, organic growing conditions for commercial use. Read More Ganoderma is commonly referred to as the King of Herbs due to its healthy properties and is believed to be the most alkaline of all foods. Having an alkaline PH balance in your body will help to fight off disease and ill health, so maintaining alkalinity will go a long way toward helping you achieve optimal wellness, including your mental health.

Signs of Depression
Many people suffer from depression without being aware of it. Here is a short checklist of the symptoms of depression:

•Sadness throughout the day, nearly every day
•Loss of interest in or enjoyment of your favorite activities
•Excessive or inappropriate feelings of guilt or worthlessness
•Thoughts of death or suicide
•Change in appetite or weight
•Trouble concentrating
•Fatigue or lack of energy
•Sleeping too much or too little
•Feelings of restlessness or slowness in speech, thought, or action

Along with these symptoms of depression, you may experience associated symptoms of depression, including:
•Aches and pains
•Constant worry
•Dwelling on negative thoughts
•Constantly turning things over in your mind
If you experience some combination of these symptoms, you might consider giving Ganoderma a try before turning to prescription meds.

How Can Ganoderma Help Depression?
Ganoderma is a known adaptogen. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center an adaptogen is a substance that will help your body cope with stress, either physical or mental. Ganoderma may relieve fatigue and work to enhance the health of your your immune system. These immune stimulating properties have been shown to help people deal with the physical stress of illness. As for mental stress and good mental health, Ganoderma may work to improve and alleviate symptoms of anxiety, insomnia and depression.

A 2005 study with results published in Journal of Medicinal Food showed that Ganoderma is effective in alleviating symptoms of neurasthenia, which is a condition characterized by nervous exhaustion. The study found that Ganoderma significantly improved the study subjects sense of well being as well as reducing fatigue.

But there's more! A 2009 study published in the Evidence Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Journal found that Ganoderma helps to protect the brain against neuron degeneration by reducing inflammatory damage. Ganoderma might be an effective and safe alternative to prescription drugs with debilitating side effects if you have symptoms of depression.

If you are having trouble with depression, why not look to Mother Nature's medicine cabinet for Ganoderma, the King of Herbs? It might help! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

BEST Strategy For ANY Network Marketing Business

"Bilang frstime sa MLM ano ang pinakamainam na gawin (sistema/strategy) para hindi ako mahirapan sa BUSINESS MLM ko"


I believe wala namang business at systema na smooth na smooth lang ang takbo. Lahat yan may challenges na pagdadaanan at posible kang mahirapan. 

Ang gawin mo lang ay yung systema/strategies na kung saan ay magiging passionate ka. Ako kasi ganun lang ang ginawa ko. Ang pinili kong sistema ay yung sistema na alam kong mag-e-enjoy akong gawin.
Kahit anong sistema/strategy pa yan kung passionate kang gawin ang bagay na yun sigurado magtatagumpay ka. At the end, business should be fun, exciting. Dapat sa negosyo mo ay yung tipong nage-enjoy ka habang ginagawa mo s’ya.

There are tons of ways to build a network marketing or MLM busines:

  • Pwede kang magpaka old school. (Home meetings, Hotel meetings, Seminars).
  • Pwede kang mag-prospecting at mag-build ng organization gamit ang telepono (ganito ang uso sa U.S.).
  • Pwede mong gamiting at ileverage ang internet at i-apply ang attraction marketing concept (email marketing, social media marketing, lead generation).
  • Pwede kang mag-advertise (Not advisable for newbies pero ito ang isa sa mga sikreto ng mga big dogs sa internet network marketing at home based business industry).
  • At napaka rami pang ibang paraan at sistema.. 

Thank you for visiting here in my blog. Kung may napulot ka o kung may natutunan ka sa post na ‘to, please share to your friends.

Kaylangan mo lang hanapin yung sistema/paraan na passionate ka, dahil kapag passionate ka sa ginagawa mo, you will keep on doing it no matter what challenges may come. At dun ka magiging successful. 
Hope this helps.

*FREE Videos How To Magnetically ATTRACT Lots Of INTERESTED Customers And Prospects Willing To Buy Your Products And Join Your Business Using The POWER of INTERNET.
CLICK HERE To Watch The Free Video Training.

Twelve Things Successful People DO!

(Feel free to add to this list and share it with your friends!)
  1.  Create SMART Goals
  2. Take Decisive and Immediate Action
  3. Focus on Being Productive not Busy 
  4. Make Logical, Informed Decisions
  5. Avoid Being Perfect
  6. Work Outside of Their Comfort Zone
  7. Keep it Simple 
  8. Focus on Making Small, Continuous Improvements
  9. Measure and Track Their Progress 
  10. Maintain A Positive Outlook and Learn From Mistakes
  11. Spend Time With the Right People
  12. Maintain Balance

Monday, January 13, 2014


When we hear the term network marketing it can be easy to feel intimidated and uncomfortable. There are many ways that the term gets thrown around and many ways in which it can be misunderstood. Many people want to start home based businesses but don’t have the resources or a good idea of where to start. Network marketing is a great option for those people. Just think, for little cost and risk you could be the owner of your own online networking business. The problem is there are many network marketing programs to choose from and each one is different. So you will have to find the program that best works for you.
Before you are able to make an informed decision, however, you will have to understand exactly what network marketing is and what it isn't.
Network Marketing is basically an MLM (multi-level marketing) business program. Under this model, each person working is their own boss and basically an owner of their own business as they market the products people are looking for and build a team to help them earn and expand. Still, before you take the plunge, there are a lot of questions that need to be answered. What network marketing is and what it isn’t, will be the place to start.
It Is Not A Pyramid Scheme
Usually when we hear about network marketing we immediately summon up the image of a pyramid. In fact that is about the most common question we get in the network marketing business. “Isn’t this a pyramid scheme?”
Pyramids were at one time very commonplace and quite problematic, which eventually led to them being banned in all fifty states in the U.S. While the model may resemble a pyramid to some because we’re programmed to think that, there are actually some very key distinctions.

First of all, pyramids work in a model where you only get paid a recruiting fee. In other words, for everyone that buys into the program under your recruiting network, you will get paid a portion of that income. In true network marketing there is a product being sold. You will get paid when someone in your network buys that product or when they sell it to someone in their network. Network marketing is not about just recruiting people but about using the power of our extended network to sell real products that people want and need.

Furthermore, in pyramids only those who get in first can truly reap the benefits, you know, those at the top of the pyramid. In network marketing everyone has an equal opportunity to earn, we just need to work smart at it.
It Is A  Home Based Business, NOT A Job
The potential to earn money in online network marketing programs is very real. Many people make their living completely from home and do very well for themselves. The other part to this point, however, is that this is not a job, it’s a business. You are not guaranteed a paycheck every Friday just for showing up. You will have to invest and you will have to work at it every day. You only make money when people in your network or extended network buy the products you are selling. You will also need to recruit a team of people to help initially build the network and you can help each other along the way.
It’s Not A Sales Job
If you don’t want to be a sales person, my network marketing is probably for you. This doesn’t involve going door to door or making cold calls all day long. You’re not even necessarily trying to convince people to buy the products. All you are doing is sharing the information and making it available to people. You will only have to work with those who are actually interested, and there will be many tools available to help you put the info out there.
But if you like sales, MLM may still be for you, because many people who do well in this area find it to be a good transition and are successful. So really this is a win-win situation.
It’s Not A Big Time-Consumer
The great thing about network marketing is that it doesn’t require a lot of time. You don’t have to put 40 hours on the clock every week in order to make a sizable income. The more time you invest, however, the more money you have and the more potential to earn. So if you just want a little money on the side, you may put in a few hours a week here and there. If you want a noticeable income however, you may go as high as 15 hours a week or more. And the great thing is, there are many tools to help you not only utilize your time more effectively, but reduce the time it requires to stay on top.
It Is Worth Sharing
Many people’s greatest doubts is that they may be afraid to talk to people, especially friends and family, about these MLM opportunities. Well, you don’t have to convince friends and family and drive them nuts trying to get them involved. You don’t have to ruin your relationships to be a success. All you need to do is talk about your product as it is. If they are interested, get them in. If they aren’t, move to the next person. Don’t get someone who is only half-interested, ‘cos more likely he is not going to help build your business.
Online networking business is an opportunity that is worth sharing. You may be surprised that a few people you know may want to get involved after seeing your results and realizing that it can be a life changing opportunity. So why not share the wealth? The most you will have to do is share the information (tell people about it) and politely move on if they decline.

Online network marketing is an exciting business model and it’s an opportunity to work from home and make some serious income. It’s not for everyone, but if you are motivated and willing to work at it just like you would have to do with any business, then you definitely have the potential to be a smashing success!

If you have questions or ideas to share, please comment below or go to this page to send me a direct message => Contact Me 
Also you may send a message  in my Online Message Area here.